Lisa Christie

Jan 15, 2015

Visual Edge Turns 15 years Old in January 2015

I am pleased to announce that Visual Edge has reached this dramatic milestone! Fifteen years is a considerable time to be operating a business and I am proud as punch that I am still going strong after all that time!

I'm pleased to report that word of mouth is still keeping the business strong and that my clients are still happy and referring me on to thier friends and family. Commercial work has been strong lately and Colour Consultancy is very busy too.

Im looking forward to all of the amazing jobs that are appearing for 2015 and beyond....a little travel for business, start up retail designs, logo creation work and some substantial projects with Port Stephens council are keeping me busy. Many muti residential refurbishment jobs are under way and some decorating projects. There are some major art commissions under way and a refurbishment for a local school is what I am working on right now. I couldn't be happier after fifteen years, I am still as eager and motivated as ever!

The trick you ask? I love my fact, it really feels more like play!
